Matthew: Week 30

May 6, 2012    Lee Hudson    Matthew 13:44-58


1. What do the parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Price have in common? How are they different from the parable of the Net? Can you suggest a reason Matthew may have put these three parables together connecting the second two with the first by using the word "again?"

2. Read verse 51-52. How is this metaphor connected to understanding the parables? What is Jesus saying about people who do understand his stories of the Kingdom and how that understanding will impact their lives?

3. Read Matthew 13:53-58. How does this story of Jesus' return to his own home town contribute to the parables of Matthew chapter 13? Why does Matthew put the story here and how does it illustrate what the parables were trying to impress the reader with?

4. How has our study of Matthew 13 and the stories of God's Kingdom influenced you faith and life? Be as specific as you can with your spiritual partners and ask them to pray with you for continued growth and passion.